My name is Lee Yang. I am Hmong, 21 years old, the second of 6 children, and in my last year at the Luang Prabang Teacher Training College. I left my hometown, family and friends to come to Luang Prabang to continue my education and to get more experience.
In the future I want to be an English teacher. I love studying English and that’s why I’m looking for a part-time job, to be able to practice my English with foreigners and improve my pronunciation. In my free time I like reading books from the library, stories and newspapers, playing sports and taking photos of people and nature.
Taking photographs is a good idea for this new generation because it can help us gain experience and overcome our shyness. Most people think that taking pictures is easy but I think that it is very difficult because you have to really pay attention and use your imagination or you won’t understand how it works. I like to take pictures of the environment. I am really curious to see insects of different kinds, how they live, what they are looking for and how they change in each season. I try to take photos when they are doing something, sleeping, relaxing, eating… I really like it when the trees blossom and there are many different kinds of butterflies and insects and I can take the time to study and understand them. During that time you can take beautiful photos that will be interesting for everyone.
copyright: Individual photographers and @ My Library