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Created 9-Jun-09
Modified 21-Jun-24
Visitors 503
55 photos
My name is Ka Xiong. I am 24 years old now;
I am graduated from Souphanouvong University, majoring in English. I am from a small village named Houyman in Phone Xay District, Luang Prabang Province. I have a full time job at T'choplai Gallery in Luang Prabang. I have been working at this gallery for almost 6 months. I like doing many things in my life, but here are my favorite hobbies: taking photos, playing sports especially soccer and I also like playing instruments like drums, guitar, flute.

I like taking photos because it is fun and challenging work for me. A photo can explain something instead of a million words. I think to be a photographer I have to have lots of patience and pay more attention to what I am doing.

“If you are shy you will never get a your best photo and shoot more show less” that was the advice that a professional photographer gave me, so I think before I am going to the next step. I have to get used to and do this step first.

I like to take close up photos, night photos, light with smoke and people. I have been taking photos for three years and I will keep going into the future. You are welcome to give me advice or tell me the way to get the best photos. Thank you.

My Email address:
[email protected]
yellow butterflyPorjoua & his friendelephantsOrphanage Schoolsteamhandsnovicesmudtemplecandle lightcookinglight and shadow_3light and shadow_2light and shadow_1light and shadow_4light and shadow_5light and shadow_7light and shadow_6light and shadow_8a Hmong boy

Guestbook for Ka Xiong
Young Lao Photographers
Thank you very much! That's what I like to do all the time. Playing with light, shadow and smoke.
Adrian Gnägi(non-registered)
Beautiful work done, congratulations! You got a great sense for using light, keep on with this!
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