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Modified 23-May-22
Visitors 381
41 photos
I am Leehue. I was born in 1989 in a small village to the Southeast of Luang Prabang. Seven years ago I left my hometown and now I live with my parents at Khouathineung village.

I’m studying Business and Information Technology at Souphanouvong University. I like to study English because it is an international language. I like to take photographs of people, nature and everything that inspires me. I also like to use the computer; it’s interesting and also useful to my daily work at the library: helping people use computer. I actually like all kinds of programs such as typing programs, movie maker, the internet and thinking games, but my favorite is Photoshop.

I wish to become a businessman and to work in a company or a hotel, and go abroad but that is just what I hope. I love solving problems and helping people who like to learn like me.

I put my pictures on this website because I want to show what I feel and like and also what my culture is and I hope to see yours, too. One thing that I’m really interested in is feedback from you about what I am doing.
[email protected]
Laiheuafai festivalAlms GivingPeacefulShadowReflections

Guestbook for Leehue
Your passion and your work is wonderful. Keep it up and your dreams will,be realised.
Wow! Great photos. Thank you for sharing these with me. I enjoyed looking at these photos because made me feel like I was back in Laos. I hope you will add more photos so I can continue to look at this website.
Hello Leehue, nice pictures! how can I contact you about seeing more photos from your collection?
Tuni Thammavongsa(non-registered)
Your photos are beautiful! Please include more of the beautiful
landscapes that Laos have to offer. I am planning a trip to Laos in a
few years and wanted to know where to tour. Keep up your wonderful
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